Year-end Now! Door Depot Canada's Marketplace Platform can help you sell All Your Dead Inventory & Unused equipment & More! Try us For Free! Doesn't Hurt! Only Gain! No Pain!
Dear Friends and Business Partners,
The snow is falling again! Time flies! 2019 is jumping quickly to the end of it!
At every year end, many companies do inventory and always find some over-stock or even dead
inventory left.These inventory sits there wasting warehouse space and collecting dust.
What to do with it? Try to sell for some cash back? Sure! Good idea!
But due to everyone’s limited time and resources, the result of the efforts may still not be satisfactory in the end.
This year, let’s try Door Depot Canada, a new platform with a lot more resources than any single company like yourself. We may easily sell your dead inventory for you without causing any headaches and additional cost.
What you need to do is only to give me a call or send me an email telling me what you have and how you want us to handle it for you.
We’ll then handle the rest for you FOR FREE!
Don’t hesitate to contact us anytime from now on!
Look forward to helping you whenever there is a need at your end.
Door Depot Canada - Cradle of Canada’s No. 1 Wholesale Platform in Fenestration Industry!
Door Depot Canada is an innovative 3S company providing Solutions, Supplies & Services!
We help Sell & Buy to maximize both Suppliers’ and Customers’ profits and interests.
Door Depot Canada, as the first Wholesale Platform in Canada’s Fenestration Industry, is committed to helping small & medium-sized companies to BUY LOW like direct from the factories more easily and conveniently, and providing the value-added services and solutions. We are also committed to helping all manufactory suppliers to sell like direct to a lot more small & medium-sized customers for more reasonable profit and larger quantities than before through any type of middlemen, but without any extra efforts or headaches. As a platform, we also help with trading and exchanges among all clients of their over-stock materials, purchase orders to be fulfilled, valued sales leads, new & used equipment and tools, and even their excessive warehouse space & production capacities!
Thanks for your kind attention!
All the best to you and your family!